
-----Original Message-----
From: winn gillette [mailto:winngillette@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 9:39 AM
To: capetown@capetowndiamond.com
Subject: Rolex #CT27455

Dear Jonathan,
Well, the watch arrived yesterday (Saturday). Boy, you guys sure know how to pack a watch! And the band was a perfect fit...no resizing needed.
It is no small exaggeration to say that the watch way exceeded my expectations. The pictures just didn't do it justice. The detailing alone is breath taking. And after re-examining your other Rolex watches on your web site, I believe that I have a truly one of a kind watch.
I like unique and one of a kind.
As I said earlier, this dream watch way exceeds my wildest expectations. So mucho big thanks for offering it up for sale.
I knew that if I waited so much as one more week, (with Christmas coming up), that some other person with a keen eye for beauty and value would have snapped it up in a heart beat.
Again a big thank you for the beautiful, and very unique one of a kind watch. I'll probably take it with me to my grave, if and when that happens.
Oh, one more thing. Could you please send me a reminder in four years when the preventative maintance is due. I guarantee that I will have long forgotten when that time comes up.
Best regards, Winn Gillette


Winn Gillette
Marina, CA