----- Original Message -----
From: scott@scottulm.com [mailto:scott@scottulm.com]
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 11:05 PM
To: Jonathan Marcus
Subject: Re: Explorer I

Thanks. You are the best.


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: "Jonathan Marcus" <capetown@capetowndiamond.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 18:58:40 -0400
To: 'Scott Ulm'<scott@scottulm.com>
Subject: RE: Explorer I

Hello Scott,

Thanks for your note, glad it arrived safely..
These watches come to fit about a 7 1/2-- 7 3/4 inch wrist size, I actually added another extra link to the watch to be sure it would accommodate the 8 inch wrist size you needed.
Of course, if he does need another link just let me know and I can order one for him Email or call 800-442-7866
I hope he enjoys the watch
Thank you,
Jonathan Marcus

From: Scott Ulm [mailto:scott@scottulm.com]
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 5:05 PM
To: Scott Ulm
Cc: Jonathan Marcus
Subject: Re: Explorer I


I just received the Explorer I and it is perfect. Thank you. It does look like it has been adjusted to 8" but there were no extra links. It is for my son and I suspect he will need to expand the bracelet sooner rather than later. Are the spare links still around your shop?



Scott Ulm

Nantucket, MA