----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffrey Baker  <jbaker@theessco.com>
To: Jonathan Marcus  <jonathan@capetowndiamond.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:02 PM
Subject: To the staff at Capetown Diamond
Dear Jonathan:  
This message is to confirm my receipt of the Rolex Submariner Item # CT17427.  Thanks for your patience with my fund transfer mix-up, and your staff's continued perseverance with the shipping address snafu......My present work assignment requires that I travel extensively, and your ability and willingness to coordinate the shipping with my schedule was very much appreciated. The watch is exactly as-described and fully meets my expectations.
Now on to another matter. Please indulge me on the length of this letter, but I have a good story to tell. I also own a Rolex Datejust that I came about in a rather unique way. I was a firefighter/EMT for 25 years, and in the early eighties, I had the opportunity to interact with an elderly gentleman who was one of our "frequent" callers for EMS service. In all honesty, I think he was more lonely than ill, so he called the fire department, and we went to take care of him. Well who would have thought, but several years after our first encounter, when this gentleman passed away, I was contacted by his POA, and he had willed me the watch. Still strikes a strong sentimental note with me.......which leads me to this:  The watch has stopped running and I would like to have it repaired. I must admit, I wore this watch through some pretty heavy combat fire conditions and it held up extremely well (maybe better than I did over the years!)....I performed some rudimentary external cleaning over this time but never had it serviced. If I had to rate it on a scale of 1-5, I would rate it a 2.
In consideration of the professional service and courtesy you have extended to me with my recent purchase, I am looking to you for advice on the age and value of this watch versus the cost of repair. Realistically, I may choose not to have it repaired but simply keep it for the sentimental value. 
Would you be so kind as to reply with instructions for forwarding this watch for inspection and repair estimate. Once again, thanks for your personal assistance and courtesy.
Jeffrey P. Baker
My home address is:
  812 Eagle Point Drive
  Pittsburgh, PA 15317
Work Address:
  1369 McLaughlin Run Road
   Pittsburgh, PA 15241