----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen McConnell<stephen.mcconnell@dechert.com>
To: Jonathan Marcus <jon@capetowndiamond.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 11:06 AM
Subject: Thanks


As I mentioned to you in an earlier e-mail, I have been home the last couple of days recovering from knee surgery.  Frankly, I've been a little depressed at the slowness of the progress.

Today I found a large package on my front porch.   It was from Katz's deli - my favorite deli in the world - and it had been sent to me by you guys.  Well, I cannot tell you how wonderful and generous that is.  It really brightened my day. It also confirmed how lucky I am to know you folks.   In every possible respect you, your dad, and your company have been first rate and I really enjoy my relationship with you all.

Happy holidays.

- Steve

Stephen McConnell
