From: Brian Racy  <>
Jonathan Marcus  <>
12/27/2004 Mon PM 09:07:57 EST
Subject: Re: Rolex Repair # 2546-A

Hello, Jonathan,

My repaired Rolex Explorer 1 did indeed arrive the week of 12/6, is running beautifully and looks, with no exaggeration whatsoever, as spectacular as it did the day I bought it.

I consider my "discovery" of your company to have been a stroke of great luck although it is quite clear from the quality of the work done on my favorite timepiece that luck had nothing to do with your firm's success and stellar credentials.  Your technicians did a superb job and the entire transaction was handled with a high degree of professionalism up to and including your own personal involvement in keeping me apprised of the progress of the repairs.

Many thanks to you, Jonathan, and to your employees for so successfully applying the skills necessary to bring my Explorer back to life.

Best regards and good wishes for a Happy New Year in 2005.

Brian Racy
Mercer Island School District
Seattle, Washington