United Kingdom

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 4:25 PM

Subject: FW: Capetown watches


Dear Carl


Pls see below.




Swee Lip Quek



SynerGem Europe Ltd


E-mail: slq@synergem-intl.com


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From: Keith Bishop [mailto:KBishop@sovereignasset.co.uk]
Sent: 22 September 2008 13:50
To: Swee Lip Quek
Subject: Capetown watches




 Tel: 0845 345 5022 mob: 07730598254
fax: 020 8773 2734
web: http://www.sovereignasset.co.uk/

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Hi Swee-Lip,

I thought that you may like to know that I have this morning received the watch I ordered.

Many thanks for your help. I must say that the people I spoke with were most helpful, and the service was prompt and efficient. 

I have sent an e-mail to Ivan Heller, but if you do speak with Carl, please pass on my sincere thanks. 

With best regards,



Keith Bishop DipPFS

Independent Financial Adviser


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Keith Bishop DipPFS
Independent Financial Advisor
Sovereign Asset Management Ltd.
Crosspoint House
28 Stafford Road

Wallington, Surrey,SM6 9AA, United Kingdom
Tel : 0845 345 5022
Fax : 020 8773 2734

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